I noticed that project which includes international characters in embarcadero C++ builder 12.2 . for example this is output in message window of twinecompile 5.8.2 when i build project :
C:\Users\matja×\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Unit4.cpp(23,4): C++ error : unknown type name 'F'
When i doubleclick on upper message nothing happens, i think because wrong path in message ('matja×' instead 'matjaž')
without twinecompile in original BCB++ output messages window looks like:
[bcc32c Error] Unit4.cpp(23): unknown type name 'F'
and i can double click on error message and bring my source file with cursor on error line up,
Path to file is
so i think problem is character 'ž' in my path to file. Can you solve this that output in twine compile messagewindows will be correct with international characters, or just that double click jumps to error/warning line in code.
Best regards
Problem with jump to code on warning/error line
Re: Problem with jump to code on warning/error line
What compiler are you using in your projects? Classic, CLANG Win32, CLANG Win64, Win64 Modern?