Compile Message window appears every 20 seconds

TwineCompile - Cut C++Builder compile times by up to 50x!
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Compile Message window appears every 20 seconds

Post by moppelstroppel »

Hello all,

I'm using TwinCompile and C++Builder XE. During editing the source code the "Compile Message" window appears every 20 seconds. If I close the window it appears still.

Is there any option to solve the problem.

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Re: Compile Message window appears every 20 seconds

Post by jomitech »

Dock the compile message window in some location, then save the IDE desktop. That will force the window to stay in one place and not continually pop-up.

What you're seeing is TwineCompile performing automatic background compiling of your source code to optimize make times. If you do not want TwineCompile to perform this background compiling, turn off SORTA Compile in the options. (I do not recommend turning it off as it saves a lot of compile time)
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