Problem linking VersionInfo RC

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Problem linking VersionInfo RC

Post by miridoi »

Hi support,
We are evaluating your TwineCompile product with BCB5. Up to this day, we are using BuilderBooster product to make faster the compiling & linking processes, but now we don't have support and we are evaluating your product.

We have tested with some of our DLL modules, and the result seems fine..., but we have the following blocking problem:
The Twinecompile don't add version infomation resource file to the linked DLL module.

I send you a real sample, attaching the version information resource file (RBrowseA.rc), the good linked module (DBrowseA_starndard.dll) and the bad linked module (DBrowseA_twine.dll).

I try setting the standard BCB5 ilinker.exe in your TwineCompile configuration, but the result is the same.
This problem is important for us because we use the module's version information to automatic upgrades and integrity checkings.

Hoping to solve this issue,
Thanks & regards,
Mikel Iridoi
Bigun SL
I send you a real sample, attaching the version information resource file (RBrowseA.rc), the good linked module (DBrowseA_starndard.dll) and the bad linked module (DBrowseA_twine.dll).
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Re: Problem linking VersionInfo RC

Post by jomitech »

Is the .rc file added to the project? I've just tested your .rc file in BCB 5 against a new DLL project, and it correctly linked in the version information.
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Re: Problem linking VersionInfo RC

Post by miridoi »

We have found the problem source and the solution :)

In every module project we have the standard DModule.res file used by BCB5 where is stored the VersionInfo of the project build, moreover we use our customized VersionInfo resource file RModule.rc. With standard build process (BCB5 and BuilderBooster), the VersionInfo that we provide in our RModule.rc is used always to link the module binary, but with TwineCompile, if we have configured in project options to use VersionInfo then RModule.res file is used to link it.

Then the solution is easy: 1) or we remove RModule.res form our project, 2) or more easily we deactivate VersionInfo generation from project options, and then our customized resource file is used.

Then to automatize the solutions we have launched search & replace process to all the *.bpr files replacing:
"IncludeVerInfo=1" with "IncludeVerInfo=0"
That's all!

We continue testing your great product ;)
Mikel Iridoi
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Re: Problem linking VersionInfo RC

Post by jomitech »

Excellent, glad to hear that you figured it out.
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