After the update to Rio 10.3.2 I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane". Warnings are available. A reinstall of TwineCompile has no effect. Rio 10.3.1 does not show this problem.
Did I possibly make a mistake? Or do I need an update from TwineCompile
Thanks in advance!
Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Are you opening the TwineCompile Message window? TwineCompile does not use the IDE's message window.
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
I opened "TC Compile Messages" window. (Menu: TwineCompile -> "Open Normal Message Pane" )
All messages are in the "Console Output" window.
In the "TC Compile Messages" window are only "Warnings".
All messages are in the "Console Output" window.
In the "TC Compile Messages" window are only "Warnings".
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
More info:
Errors from the C++ linker are displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
Errors from the C++ compiler are not displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
Errors from the C++ linker are displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
Errors from the C++ compiler are not displayed in the "TC Compile Messages" window.
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Can you provide a screenshot that shows the errors in the console output, but just warnings in the message window?
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Outputs from TwineCompile
Console Output:
Der Buildvorgang wurde am 25.07.2019 21:14:01 gestartet.
Projekt C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cbproj (Build-Ziel(e)):
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilc wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ild wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilf wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ils wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.pdi wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@ wird gelöscht.
Compiling C++ files...
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide103 -afiles -usepch- -alias"C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp"="C:\Users\P.Adrian\AppData\Local\Temp\TwineCompile\MK12_INIDB.cpp*1324984758"; -priority0 -files="C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@"
JomiTech TwineCompile 5.0 - Copyright JomiTech 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Compiling 5 files...
Starting executors...
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 0 of 0
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 657152 of 657152
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 587520 of 587520
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 799502 of 799502
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 656384 of 656384
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 535552 of 535552
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1396293 of 1396293
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1396461 of 1396461
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1395611 of 1395611
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1425671 of 1425671
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1425997 of 1425997
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1433682 of 1433682
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1431757 of 1431757
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1432325 of 1432325
Compiled 5 files in 3,25 secs.
Errors during compile.
Erstellen des TCCompile-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Erstellen des MakeObjs-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Erstellen des Projekts MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Fehler beim Erstellen.
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
2 Warnung(en)
2 Fehler
Vergangene Zeit 00:00:04.18
Finished Build.
"TC Compile Messages" window
[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
Console Output:
Der Buildvorgang wurde am 25.07.2019 21:14:01 gestartet.
Projekt C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cbproj (Build-Ziel(e)):
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilc wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ild wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ilf wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.ils wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\EXE\MK\Bin\MK12_INIDB.pdi wird gelöscht.
Die Datei C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@ wird gelöscht.
Compiling C++ files...
C:\Program Files (x86)\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide103 -afiles -usepch- -alias"C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp"="C:\Users\P.Adrian\AppData\Local\Temp\TwineCompile\MK12_INIDB.cpp*1324984758"; -priority0 -files="C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\twfiles.@@@"
JomiTech TwineCompile 5.0 - Copyright JomiTech 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Compiling 5 files...
Starting executors...
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 0 of 0
Embarcadero C++ 7.40 f³r Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 0 of 0
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 657152 of 657152
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 587520 of 587520
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 799502 of 799502
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 656384 of 656384
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 535552 of 535552
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1396293 of 1396293
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1398458 of 1398458
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1396461 of 1396461
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1395611 of 1395611
U_INIDB_GetFilesDLG.cpp: (1) 1425671 of 1425671
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
Warning: Vollständiger Parser-Kontext
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
MK12_INIDB.cpp: (4) 1425997 of 1425997
U_INIDB_MainDialog.cpp: (3) 1433682 of 1433682
U_INIDB_IniDbDialog.cpp: (2) 1431757 of 1431757
U_INIDB_DB.cpp: (0) 1432325 of 1432325
Compiled 5 files in 3,25 secs.
Errors during compile.
Erstellen des TCCompile-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Erstellen des MakeObjs-Ziels in Projekt MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Erstellen des Projekts MK12_INIDB.cbproj beendet - Fehler beim Erstellen.
Fehler beim Erstellen.
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): C++ warning : Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2451: Undefiniertes Symbol 'xxxx'
C:\Mebedo\MSW_DEV12\MBDSW\TOOLS\MK\MK_IniDB\MK12_INIDB.cpp(30,5): C++ error E2379: In Anweisung fehlt ;
2 Warnung(en)
2 Fehler
Vergangene Zeit 00:00:04.18
Finished Build.
"TC Compile Messages" window
[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
[C++ Warning] MK12_INIDB.cpp(14): Analyse: int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)
- Attachments
- No Error Messages.png
- (104.12 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Sorry for the delay in responding. Embarcadero has not been returning my emails regarding updated licenses for 10.3.2, so I have been unable to test this issue.
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Looks like the list controls don't work properly:
Update: After a while, the list in the messages window displays something, but it doesn't show errors for some reason.
Same thing happens with the compile window: it is just white space where there used to be a list with files currently being compiled.Update: After a while, the list in the messages window displays something, but it doesn't show errors for some reason.
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Please download the following update and extract into the TwineCompile Program Files directory. It should solve these issues.
Re: Rio 10.3.2: I don't get any error messages in the "Normal Message Pane"
Unfortunately the patch does not fix the bug.