File always compiles

TwineCompile - Cut C++Builder compile times by up to 50x!
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File always compiles

Post by mmoulherat »

I recently downloaded the trial version of TWineCompile (3.3.1) and use it with C++ builder 2009 under Windows XP.
When I compile one of my projects, one of the files is always compiling even if it has not been modified.
This file had local options, so I removed them but it didn't fix the problem, file is still compiling every time.

I was wondering what could lead me to such situation and what could I do to solve this problem.

Thanks for your answers.
best regards.
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Re: File always compiles

Post by jomitech »

Is this file the only one with local file options?
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Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:17 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by mmoulherat »

This file was the only one with local options.

Then I removed these local options.
The problem still occurs and file is compiling everytime.

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Re: File always compiles

Post by jomitech »

Can you paste the output of the console log here? Or send it to support at jomitech dot com.
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Re: File always compiles

Post by mmoulherat »

Here is the console output. I replaced some file lists from the linker output by tags not to make the output to long.
Some outputs are in french sorry.
The problem occurs with the file
La génération a démarré 05/12/2011 08:09:50.
Projet "E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Graphic_library.cbproj" (Make cibles) :

Cible MakeObjs :
Cible TCInitFileList :
Suppression du fichier "E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\twfiles.@@@".
Compiling C++ files...
Cible TCCompile :
C:\Program Files\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide2009 -dep -alias"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Graphic_library.cpp"="C:\DOCUME~1\MMOULH~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\TwineCompile\Graphic_library.cpp*1065502842"; -priority0 -files="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\twfiles.@@@"
JomiTech TwineCompile 3.3 - Copyright JomiTech 2011. All Rights Reserved.
-- 30-Day Trial Version --

Compiling 1 files...
E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Exgl\formula\,1): C++ warning TC001: TwineCompile 30-day Trial. 23 day(s) left.
CodeGear C++ 6.13 pour Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CodeGear (0) 860262 of 860262 (0) 692574 of 692574 (0) 834490 of 834490
EXGLFormulaParser.y(480,6): C++ warning W8080: 'ptObject' est d├®clar├® mais jamais utilis├®

Compiled 1 files in 2,36 secs.
Génération de la cible "TCCompile" terminée dans le projet Graphic_library.cbproj".
Cible _RcDepCheck :
Skipping: res\ressource.rc
Génération de la cible "MakeObjs" terminée dans le projet Graphic_library.cbproj".
Cible TCPerformLink :
c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\bin\ilink32.exe -LDebug;"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\debug";<some project paths>;"..\..\..\..\Mes documents\RAD Studio\Projets";..\..\..\Bureau\projects\Graphic_library\Sources;"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\obj";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\psdk";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\Indy10";"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\DCP" -jDebug;"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\debug";<some project paths>;"..\..\..\..\Mes documents\RAD Studio\Projets";..\..\..\Bureau\projects\Graphic_library\Sources;"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\obj";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\psdk";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib";"c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\6.0\lib\Indy10";"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\DCP" -l. -v -GA"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\vfs33.tmp"="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Graphic_library.res" -GA"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\vfs34.tmp"="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\gui\FrmTools.dfm" -GA"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\vfs35.tmp"="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\gui\FrmHierarchy.dfm" -aa -V5.0 -G8 c0w32w memmgr.lib sysinit.obj <some obj files> Debug\ <more obj files> , .\Graphic_library.exe , .\ , <lib files> , , Debug\ressource.res E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\vfs33.tmp

Génération du projet "Graphic_library.cbproj" terminée.

La génération a réussi.
E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Exgl\formula\,1): C++ warning TC001: TwineCompile 30-day Trial. 23 day(s) left.
EXGLFormulaParser.y(480,6): C++ warning W8080: 'ptObject' est d├®clar├® mais jamais utilis├®
2 Avertissement(s)
0 Erreur(s)

Temps écoulé 00:00:07.53
Finished Make.
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Posts: 2175
Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by jomitech »

Can you do the following?

1. Create a DWORD called Logging, set to a value of 1, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JomiTech\TwineCompiler
2. Reproduce the issue with re-compiling the file
3. Send C:\Documents And Settings\<User Name>\Local Settings\Application Data\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.log to support at jomitech dot com
4. Set that DWORD value to 0 (this switches the logging back off)
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:17 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by mmoulherat »

08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 JomiTech TwineCompile 3.3 - Copyright JomiTech 2011. All Rights Reserved.
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 -- 30-Day Trial Version --

08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 Command line: "C:\Program Files\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe" -ide2009 -dep -alias"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Graphic_library.cpp"="C:\DOCUME~1\MMOULH~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\TwineCompile\Graphic_library.cpp*1065831660"; -priority0 -files="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\twfiles.@@@"
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 Current directory: E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 Initializing...
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 Full command line: C:\Program Files\JomiTech\TwineCompile\mtbcc32.exe -ide2009 -dep -alias"E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Graphic_library.cpp"="C:\DOCUME~1\MMOULH~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\TwineCompile\Graphic_library.cpp*1065831660"; -priority0 -files="E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\twfiles.@@@"
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 -ide found: 2009
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:488 3612 DepCheckLoadFileAliases e:\projects\exgl\exgl\sources\graphic_library.cpp, 1065831660
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:585 3612 performing dependency check
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:585 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\CTimer.cpp; E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\CTimer.obj
08/12/2011 - 07:41:09:585 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\CTimer.obj age = 1065434642


08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Exgl\formula\; E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\
08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\ age = 1065846834
08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 age = 0
08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Exgl\formula\TEXGLFormulaTreeARGB.cpp; E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\TEXGLFormulaTreeARGB.obj
08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 E:\projects\EXGL\EXGL\Sources\Debug\TEXGLFormulaTreeARGB.obj age = 1065836658


08/12/2011 - 07:41:17:262 3612 finished reading thread file data, initing manager
08/12/2011 - 07:41:17:262 3612 servermanager::servermanager
08/12/2011 - 07:41:17:262 3612 servermanager::servermanager done
08/12/2011 - 07:41:17:262 3612 starting compile


08/12/2011 - 07:41:56:714 3612 done compiling
08/12/2011 - 07:41:56:714 3612 Compiled 1 files in 31,80 secs.
08/12/2011 - 07:41:56:714 3612 done, leaving main
I guess the problem is coming from this line
08/12/2011 - 07:41:11:428 3612 age = 0
For some reason age is 0. Even if the file is days old. I tried to regenerate file (this is a bison generated one) but problem still occurs.

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Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by jomitech »

Where is located, relative to the project's directory?
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:17 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by mmoulherat »

if . is the project directory


with many other .cpp files that are also part of the project.
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Posts: 2175
Joined: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:23 am

Re: File always compiles

Post by jomitech »

I'm finding this issue rather puzzling. The path and filename of the .cpp file is stored inside the .obj file, where it's written by the compiler. For some reason, this file is being written to the obj file without any path information.

Can you send the twfiles.@@@ file to support at jomitech dot com?
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